

Brands and agencies call attention to the pay gap on Equal Pay Day

To most rational people, equal work should result in equal pay. Unfortunately, around the world that is not the case, and several agencies and brands are taking unique approaches to call for equal pay for men and women doing the same job.

Equal Pay Day in the US is today (2 April). The date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The day was started by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996 as a public awareness event to illustrate the pay gap, and clearly there is still much to yet be accomplished as #EqualPayDay is still not equal.

'Know Your Worth, Show Your Worth'

Squarespace recently launched a partnership with customer Ladies Get Paid. The initiative takes a step past the Ladies Get Paid mission of 'Knowing Your Worth,' by encouraging women to 'Show Your Worth,' with a free online workshop and toolkit.

Squarespace is invested in providing women with the customizable platform, knowledge, and resources to build their ideal future. This partnership helps women build the confidence to become self-advocates, understand what it is they should be advocating, and how to do so in a compelling way.

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